Information Technology Aspirations, Dreams, Failures, & Oppression

I want to touch base with any individual or entity that may be interested in aiding in my analyzations regarding current circumstances, either way criminal intent, corrupt persecution by law enforcement, or hatred for being entrapped by these individuals or groups that have used my identity theft to deny rights of any kind.

 In 1999 prior to Y2k, my mother acquired A computer through blue, just A overpriced piece of equipment: noisy, slow, windows 98, and useless without the internet(AOL was the only internet, to me specifically), & of course A Russian infiltration device, in which I based that analyzation on the amount of excessive solder on the motherboard. 
I found myself on Napster and yahoo games mostly. In 2002 I obtained my grandmothers desktop which was A 'HP' Pavllion with Windows mellinium (ME) which did have A cdburner, muy bueno for the vcdlife I was to discover. The desktop initially was given to my aunt, in which at that time Rhonda had gotten strung out on the cocaine, I didn't want to leave Cascade School system so I moved in with my aunt Lesa Ayala. There I attempted A few information technology related tasks: 
Used an array of video tools to customize warez, ps2 games, learned basic HTML, by creating A website for A shop project. My cousin had gotten his new PlayStation for X-mas that year, we had ordered A boot switch to attempt to boot our games with, we had also attempted to solder the one wire, since it was his, and his hands were more stable, he failed the attempt, this lead to A search on carefully removing the warranty sticker and placing back due to the device no longer being operational. This ultimately left to contacting A local technician, off of depot street in Shelbyville, TN, whom initially thought this one wire was highly illegal to solder to this PlayStation, we had to show receipt of purchase, etc. I had stayed with A classmate that I met in Mrs.Turpentine's class, 5th period at Cascade Middle School. His name was Anthony pesche. Inolen814. I had stayed over one Friday, but I didn't know at the time they were into the German degrading, that is used as espionage for public terror at the time, mostly human trafficking now, may have always been. He had showed me how to download from IRC instead of p2p. In 9th grade I was expelled. It would be 2007 at ITT Technical University before I would yet fail again at obtaining an education in the Information Technology field. I had to drop out due to pressure from my Felony probation.


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