ex-girlfriends list

Kindergarten - Brandy brown
2002 - Laura woods
2004- Christina Ferrell
2005-2006- Christina Ferrell
2006- Kristina kujawski
2011- andrea Sweeney
2012-erica keller
2013- heather Garrett
2017- almost murdered 

Incident at Thomas intermediate (4th+5th grade only) Tate Street
I had Day crush on "shelly", her name was shelly mook now; I did the hvac in her house in between 2006-2009. I wrote her A note, he and the teacher attempted to maker A pervert, I'm sure she had to let someone molest her since I was so untouchable. 

Hey if youre having trouble keeping your woman honest and she plays the lifestyle game with you, but your the victim, and your health is deteriorating, they use people from their middle school yearbooks to cheat and take turns orgying, they leave each other notes after sneaking in and out of your home.


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